I am a political scientist and independent researcher focusing on the Horn of Africa and specifically on Eritrea and its diaspora



  • Doctoral Studies 1997 – 1999; PhD in Political Science at Hamburg University, 2000 
  • Studied Political Science and Sociology at Tübingen University 1987 – 1993, M.A. in 1993
  • Studied Social Work 1983 – 1986 at Berufsakademie Heidenheim, Dipl. Soz. Päd. in 1986

Areas of expertise and current research

  • Political, economic and social developments in Eritrea and the Horn of Africa
  • Peace and Conflict studies, Militarization 
  • Transnational Politics
  • Diaspora Studies, Diasporas and Sanctions
  • Persistence of Authoritarian Regimes



  •  “The limits of diaspora: double vulnerabilities among Eritreans in Saudi-Arabia", in: Abdelhady, Dalia and Ramy Aly (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Middle Eastern Diasporas (with Abdulkader Saleh Mohammad), pp. 78-88.


  •  “Thirty Years of Autocratic Rule: Eritrea's President Isaias Afewerki between innovation and destruction", in:  Bach, Nicolas (ed.) Routledge Handbook of the Horn of Africa, pp. 317-326.
  • “How Diasporas Stabilize Authoritarian Rule: Observations from Eritrea”, in: Moss, Dana and Furstenberg, Saipira (eds.): Transnational Repression in a Global Age, Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming (with Abdulkader Saleh Mohammad).
  •  "Eritreer:innen in der Diaspora – Der Einfluss des eritreischen Regimes und regimetreue Strukturen in Deutschland", in: Becker, Randi and Philipp W. Kranemann (eds.): Endlich in Sicherheit? Verfolgung von Geflüchteten in der BRD durch transnationale Netzwerke (with Eden Mengis). 


  • Hirt, Nicole and AS Mohammad ( 2021): Eritrea’s Self-Reliance Narrative and the Remittance Paradox: Reflections on Thirty Years of Retrogression, in: Remittances Review 6(1), pp. 21–39. doi: 10.33182/rr.v6i1.1056.
  • Eritrea’s Chosen Trauma and the Legacy of the Martyrs: The Impact of Postmemory on Political Identity Formation of Second-Generation Diaspora Eritreans, in: Africa Spectrum 56(1), pp. 19 – 38, DOI: 10.1177/0002039720977495 
  • “Forced Migration from Eritrea and Regime Stabilization", MAGYC Policy Brief, online https://www.magyc.uliege.be/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/D4.7-v1March2021.pdf. 
  • Christiane Fröhlich with Nicole Hirt:  “Greenwashing Repression: Natural Disaster and the Legitimisation of Forced Migration and Non-Assistance in Syria and Eritrea/Tigray”, MAGYC Working Paper D4.3-1.
  • (2021) Eritrea & Djibouti, in:  Awedoba et al. (eds.), Africa Yearbook, Vol. 17, pp. 319-327 & 313-318, Brill: Leiden


  • Äthiopiens Regionale Beziehungen: Zwischen Hegemoniestreben und dem Wunsch nach Stabilität,  in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ), Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. 70, 18-19, S. 39-44.


  • Book Review: Land Tenure and Security, in: African Spectrum. 54, 1, S. 90-92
  • Commentary: Stalled peace and blocked reforms in Eritrea,, in: ISPI Italian Institute for Interntional Political Studies Dossier.
  • Hirt, Nicole (2019): Der unvollkommene Frieden: Geostrategische Machtkämpfe am Horn von Afrika. GIGA Focus 5/2019.


  • “By Way of Patriotism, Coercion or Instrumentalization: How the Eritrean regime makes use of the diaspora to stabilise its rule”, in: Globalizations, 15 (2), 232-247); with Abdulkader Saleh Mohammad.
  • “The Lack of Political Space of the Eritrean Diaspora in the Arab Gulf and Sudan: Torn between and autocratic home and authoritarian hosts”, in: Mashriq & Mahjar Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies, NC State University 5(1), 101-126; with Abdulkader Saleh Mohammad


  • “Intervention: Extraterritorial authoritarian power”, in: Political Geography 64, 65-104; with Dalmasso, E.; Del Sordi, A.; Glasius, M.; Moss, D.; Michaelsen, M.; Mohammad, A.S.


  • “The Eritrean Diaspora and its Impact on Regime Stability: Responses to UN Sanctions”, in: African Affairs 114 (454), 115 -135.


  • “‘Dreams Don’t Come True in Eritrea’: Anomie and Family Disintegration due to the Structural Militarization of Society”, in: Journal of Modern African Studies, 51 (1), 139 – 168; with Abdulkader Saleh.

Professional Career 

  • 1999 – 2023: Research Fellow/Associate, GIGA German Institute for Global and Area Studies, Institute for African Affairs, Hamburg, Germany 
  • Freelance Researcher and Analyst, worked for 
  • GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) 
  • GIZ-Akademie Bonn
  • BMZ (Bundesministerium für Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung)
  • BTI (Bertelsmann Transformation Index)
  • Law Clinic, Tel Aviv University and Refugees Development Centre, Israel
  • Evangelisches Missionswerk e.V.
  • Missio
  • Country Expert for Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem)-Project, University of Gothenborg, Sweden 
  • Country Expert ViEWS: a political Violence Early Warning System, University of Uppsala, Sweden
  • 2021 to 2022: Research Fellow at GIGA Hamburg, in Cooperation with University of Gothenburg, Sweden, research project: “Transnational Lives in the Shadow of Repression: diaspora youth and the struggle for democracy”.
  • 2022: Research Fellow at GIGA Hamburg, research project: “Freedom and Development? Religious Actors, Freedom of Religion or Belief, and Sustainable Development” (FREDEV).
  • 2018 to 2020: Principal Investigator, project “Do Diasporas Contribute to the Persistence of Authoritarian Rule? Responses of Eritrean citizens abroad to transnational governance”, GIGA Hamburg, Institute for African Affairs.
  • 2013: Researcher for GIGA Hamburg: Research project “Ineffective Sanctions? External Sanctions and the Persistence of Autocratic Regimes”, Country Case Study Eritrea
  • 2008 - 2010:  Senior Research Fellow at GIGA Hamburg, Institute of African Affairs. 

Research project: “The effects of structural militarization on Eritrean society”

  • 2007 - 2008: Freelance Consultant (Horn of Africa)
  • 2003 – 2006: Senior Research Fellow at Hamburg University, Department of Political Science. Research project: “‘Zones of Peace’ in Eritrea and Tigray under Stress”
  • 2001 – 2003: Assistant Professor, University of Asmara, Eritrea, Dept. of Political Science
  • 1994 – 1996: Public Relations Officer, Sozialforum Tübingen e.V.

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